This has been a very busy week. The week of transfers is always hectic. Thursday-we had a meeting for all the new sisters and their trainers. Then we took all the new sisters to Walmart so they could go grocery shopping. It was quite funny Sister Sonku didn't really know what to buy or what things she even liked because she was looking for all the brands they have in South Africa, but I told her she was not going to find that here! :)
Friday- We covered the Humanitarian Center today while the sisters had training. I have been teaching a couple people that work there, so I take every opportunity to go back. Larry was SOOO happy to see me. Holy cow! I also had NO idea that Peter, my adopted little brother, (who went on his mission last week), his mom works there too. She was so sweet and came up to me and remembered me. We had a little bit of down time while we were there so I read a talk by Sheri Dew. It was about who we are as children of God and the potential that we have. It is exciting to me to think if I truly understood how the Lord felt about me, my life might be very different. The Lord has immeasurable and unconditional love for his children. He sees who we really are and the people that we can become. This is something that I have seen a little glimpse of. As I have taught many different kinds of people, I have been able to see them maybe kind of the way He would. It has completely changed the way that I look at people. I remember before my mission having a lot more pre-judgments about people; but now I know that to God, all of his children are equal; and I have a duty to help any and all that I come in contact with.
And my companion is soooo funny, and the celebrity of our mission because she is the ONLY African here! I’m glad that she has a sense of humor. She is very very sarcastic and she likes to lie about her life in Africa. Everyone assumes that South Africa is like the stereotypical Africa that we think of, lions, tigers, living in huts, children everywhere, etc.... so she pretends it is. She tells people she lives in a bush with a stone as her pillow, that she has to go to the bathroom in a bush, that they get water from the river and everything like that. Well, it’s completely false! She lives in a very well developed area and it is very Americanized. No one has ever been there so she tells them and they all believe her! She is already my new best friend, and when we are finished planning, all we do is talk and laugh. She is so awesome and I am so blessed to be with her.
Sunday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I love you. Today we had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Ogden Temple Dedication. I loved the talks that were given. Elder Hallstrom talked about covenants and he said, " Being a covenant keeper is the only way to fulfill our eternal purpose." I loved that, and it made me understand that the covenants we make in the temple are essential. Sister Oscarson talked about how when a temple is dedicated it is a time for us to dedicate ourselves to His work. I think that is so powerful. We need to be dedicated to the work of the Lord especially in performing those ordinances for the dead. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to give that chance to those people who have already passed on, to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be sealed to their families for time and all eternity. President Eyring talked about how there are people on the other side standing and shouting for joy as you perform those ordinances for them. I agree completely. He also said, "It is only in the temple that we are leading the dead out of spirit prison; “you are opening the prison door so that they can have eternal life." I love temples. I am so grateful for the ordinances that I have been able to participate in for myself and also for other people. And I am so blessed to be serving on Temple Square where I can walk on dedicated ground every second of my mission.
Oh and we have some exciting things coming up this weekend; we have a 10 year old girl and 8 year old boy getting baptized, Kelly and Jeduh! As well as Nelly and Jesse too! I am so excited. I love them all so much. Pray for them that everything will work out. They are so prepared and love the gospel so much! It has been so fun to teach them all, and they each have such a strong desire to follow the Savior. They have allowed the Spirit to teach and testify the truth to them, and I have been able to be a tool to help in their conversion.....so cool. It is incredible to see the difference when the investigator allows the Spirit to touch their lives and when they don't. I am so grateful that the Spirit is the teacher and testifier of all truth. He is the reason that people join the church. I love being an instrument in the hand of God. Missionary work is life changing. I love it!
The church is true.
Sister Mindy Marsh
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
This week has been literally crazy!!!!!! So many things happened in the beginning of the week that were soo amazing. Then on Friday Sister Hansen and I received the new transfers and all the new assignments and companions for next transfer so that we could make schedules and all the emails and excel sheets before transfer conference! We have been really busy and stuck in our office all day every day and I kind of am just sick of typing and looking at a computer because it makes me want to hit the computer!
Tuesday- This day has been incredible! First of all it is President’s birthday today! Sister Poulsen asked if we would go with her to Costco to pick up cakes and ice cream for President and all the sisters. We of course said yes but first went to TC for a little bit. I contacted 2 more of the referrals that Peter gave us and it was so fun. They are so prepared as always and I wanted to give Peter a chance to talk with them and share with them his testimony and say goodbye to them before he leaves. We called Danisa one of his cousins and they talked for a little bit and it was so sweet. Little African kids were singing in the background and Danisa was so so happy and excited for Peter to serve the Lord. He told Peter that he wants to take the discussions but he would like to not only have us call them but would like to have missionaries come visit him. Man! We were just talking to him and he said, “I didn’t know that I couldn’t hold babies, now I am sad, I hold babies in church every Sunday.” Then we talked a little bit because he did not know that we are ALWAYS on Temple Square and never leave and he said, “That is so cool that you get to serve so close to a temple every single day.” Peter is the most sincere boy I have ever met. It is the day before he goes into the MTC and he is just teaching all of his friends with us on the phone, and teaching a mission prep class tonight. He told us that we could call him that whole day and he would help us whenever we needed him. He said, “Its ok I don’t need to rush I just want to help my Africans.” The cutest African I have ever seen. Then we went to Costco. Sister Poulsen was so cute. I learned a lot about her and President. They are so fun. When we got there the cakes were not finished so we just walked around and waited. We obviously went by the Blend Tec guy and he made us green ice cream, then we walked past these 2 guys who were advertising honey butters. They were delicious. Then we saw Sister Poulsen getting ice cream so we told her hey you need to stop by and try this honey butter….ya we sold her on that! She bought 2 of them! J hahha we got everything and came back to Temple Square and then we had to set up for the party. We cut all the cakes and put all the pieces on plates. It took us forever! We were sweating we were so hot cutting the cakes for like a solid hour. We all surprised President and were all down here singing happy birthday to him! He is the sweetest man. I love him so much. It has been such a blessing to serve so close with him and get to know him on a more personal level. We also had our last district meeting today. NO way I cannot believe that it is already the end of the transfer…eww! But the whole day I was just looking forward to Peter’s setting apart.
We drove to the chapel and they were having mission prep. They invited us in and it was kind of interesting but I really liked it a lot! They had everyone there share with each other how they got to the point they are now in their spiritual journeys. Peter shared such a tender testimony. He talked about how rough it was when he was in refugee camps in Uganda and how he felt so blessed that he ended up in America. He knew when he got here that he needed God more in his life. He said that he was taught by 2 missionaries; 1 from the US and 1 from Fiji and how he knew that he needed to be baptized. He didn’t have a strong testimony yet but knew that in his heart he should. Then he became less active and didn’t go to church but one day got impressions from the Holy Ghost that he needed to go back to church so he did. He continued to go every week and his testimony grew and then his stake president, President Degraph started asking him if he would want to serve a mission and he was only in high school but he knew it was right and so he met with him a lot and he helped him prepare to serve his mission and now it is the time to actually go. Sister Hansen and I both shared our testimonies of how we got to serve a mission and how our mission has blessed us. Sister Burton shared her testimony after us and she told us how her mission that she served in New Zealand has changed her life forever and how she knew that she needed to serve again. The spirit was so strong and already I started to cry. I knew I was doomed for his actual blessing. I was reflecting the whole time on how blessed I have been to serve a mission. How the mission has completely changed my entire life. I will never be the same because of these last 17 months. I feel sooo grateful for what my mission has meant to me. My heart is so full of gratitude to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to serve Him and for letting this change my life so much.
We talked for a little bit outside before we went into President Degraph’s office. He gave some counsel to Peter first. He read from D&C 4 and how missionary work is that marvelous work that he is about to be a part of. That he will work on those Christ like attributes his entire mission and strive to follow in the footsteps of his Savior. He gave him 3 pieces of advice.
1. Work hard
2. Be obedient
3. Love the Lord
He then asked Peter to bear his testimony before he set him apart. Peter bore the sweetest testimony. He talked more about how hard life was in Uganda in refugee camps for 13 years. How he would go 3 or 4 days without eating sometimes and how he never imagined or believed that he could ever be in America and be where he is right now. His friends all told him he was a “Chicken with his head cut off” and that he was doing the wrong thing, he didn’t have a testimony at that time but he knew in his heart that he needed to be baptized and be in the church. He said he knows how much God loves him, and that he answers his prayers. He said that Heavenly Father has ALWAYS answered his prayers no matter what. “I believe the church is true. I believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that the BOM is true.” So sweet…just cried the whole time. Then President DeGraph gave him his blessing.
After the blessing we took some pictures and we all gave advice to Peter. I was crying a lot. I just had so many things that I wanted to share with him. I told him to:
1. Write in his journal EVERY DAY even if it is only 1 line.
2. Start praying for his trainer now (so cute he didn’t even know what that was)
3. Work and serve with all your might mind and strength and you will not have any worries
4. When times are a little bit hard, DON’T GIVE UP and rely on your Savior Jesus Christ
5. Be exactly obedient and THAT is when you will receive the most blessings and see the most miracles
We had to say goodbye and then we went in the car and just cried. We talked about it for the whole car ride home. Peter is the most tender sincere boy. When he speaks or shares his testimony it is so pure and close to his heart you can tell that he does not even know how to express himself. He was raised in such humble circumstances that he TRULY is grateful and so thankful for all the things that he has in his life. The gospel means everything to him. Sister Hansen and I talked about how every African is so sincere and grateful because that is how they were raised…they are taught and brought up to be so humble and grateful for everything. It is incredible to be around them. I just want to be around him all the time.
We came home. I didn’t want to write in my journal I just wanted to cry myself to sleep. I got in bed and said a prayer. A very sincere prayer because Peter is my little brother. He has a very special place in my heart and I want to do anything I can to help him. I want to give him everything. I am so protective of him and I wish I could go with him to the MTC so I could just take care of him. I was BAWLING hysterically. I could not breathe. My nose was sooo stuffy and I was so sad. I have had soooo many friends leave on missions while I have been on mine but this has been so sad for me. I think I just realize that he won’t be getting all the support that most LDS kids get that I just want to be that support for him. I love him so much and I am so proud of my little brother.
This has been such a special experience for me. I have reflected so much on when I was set apart 17 months ago. It was incredible to witness Peter get a mantle of authority and power to serve the Lord. It helped me remember the things that I was blessed with when I was set apart. All I could think of during this time was when President told me, “I now commend you into the Lords’ care”. Just like it said in Peter’s blessing if he is obedient he will be protected and he will always be safe because the Lord is taking care of him. I thought of how my mission has completely changed my life and how much I have grown from being here and how much Peter is going to grow and how his time is just now starting and what a wonderful time this is for him. I could not be more proud of him. This is going to change his life and it will change the lives of his family as well. I love missionary work.
Well the rest of the week we have been in our office. We worked soooo much faster this time then we did last transfer and I am so proud of us. It has been so weird planning for my last transfer. This week I have just been so grateful to be a missionary. President told me really early (in our assigment- in the office we find out everyone's companion way earlier) so he told me last week that I would be training a new sister coming from the MTC my last 6 weeks. I am so excited. I am a little worried because it has been a long time since I have trained a new sister but it is going to be the best. I don't even know which sister it is yet, but I already love her so much. I already just am going to be a mom to her and I just am so excited...I thought about extending just so I could finish the whole 12 weeks of training...but don't worry I will still come home in October... it just crossed my mind thats all, because I don't want to give her to someone else to finish training her I just want to be selfish and have her to myself! :)
Anyway I am just so grateful to be a missionary. There is nothing greater in this world than serving my Savior Jesus Christ. My experiences as a missionary has changed my life completely and I can not express the love I have for the people I have met. Sharing the gospel and helping children of God come closer to Jesus Christ is the best thing. It changes lives and it helps bring so much joy to their lives. I don't want it to ever end. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that He lives and that He is there for me in every detail of my life. His gospel has been restored through the prophet Joseph Smith and it is a blessing for me. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon. It has every answer I need to every question I have and it brings so much peace to me as I read from it. I have gained a very strong love for the scriptures and I am just so happy to be a missionary!!
I love you all.
The church is true.
Sister Mindy Marsh
PS. My new pday is Wednesday so I will email you in 2 days again :)
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Mitonzi Family |
Monday, September 8, 2014
This week has been really really good, productive and exciting!! The week started off a little bit rocky, but has just gone up and up every day. My mission right now is incredible. I am so blessed. I have so many wonderful investigators and sooo many miracles have been happening all the time. It has amazed me how involved the Lord is. I am just so grateful for him and for all the things he blesses me with.
Wednesday- We had a great lesson with Benson and the elders. I am so happy that Benson has had the desire to learn about the church again. He was not able to read the assignment that we gave him in the BOM, so we read with him from Alma 26. We had a really good discussion about it and he is ready to act on the answers that he receives, which has been so cool to see!
Thursday- This morning we had Relief Society and President spoke. It has been a huge discussion lately on how we can be more effective and what needs to happen for the sisters to work harder and to baptize double the amount that we are right now. I told President in staff meeting that he should speak in Relief Society and chastise the sisters...in a nice way, to get them motivated...well, he did! He talked a lot about the widow's mite and the parable of the talents. Moral of the story he said, "When we are given a task or assignment we are to make something of it." We have been given these 18 months to serve the Lord and to help everyone we can, to come to know the gospel of Jesus Christ and we need to take advantage of that time and to give our all to that task. We were all motivated to conquer the world, so we had a lesson with John and the Elders. John was someone we met at the Swahili ward last week who hadn’t talked to missionaries before, so we set up an appt with him and had the elders come since they are his local missionaries. Well, it was an introduction to the church for sure. He has never heard of the church and doesn't know much about any of the beliefs. He had lots of questions that were soo good and it was so fun to teach him. I am looking forward to the next time he comes!
Weekend- I had a heart to heart with President on Friday and it made me so much more calm. I have been so worried about my last transfer. I have sooo many African investigators and I just want them to be taken care of when I leave. I am looking ahead so that when I have to transfer them, they will be good. President understood exactly where I was coming from, so I am relieved. He pretty much told me I could choose what I wanted to do for my last transfer. He is amazing and I love him so much. He also gave us permission to go to Peter's mission setting apart. Peter has helped us so much with our missionary work and this week he has given us 7 referrals from East Africa that have all turned into new investigators!! I am excited to go tomorrow to support him. We have spent a majority of the weekend contacting those referrals and teaching them. They are all so open to the gospel and so excited to learn from us. Also, we talked Jamah this weekend and he told us that he is preparing to serve a mission!!!! How exciting is that?? He is meeting with the Branch President regularly and doing all he can to prepare to go in a year; I am sooo happy!!! And the best news of all is; a former investigator Jesse text us this week. He only has texting on his phone, so it has been pretty impossible to teach him; so I just send him a text every once in a while and send him scriptures. Well, he text us and said he is getting baptized this Saturday!!! WAHOOOO!!!! I am soo happy!
Well that is really it for this week! It was fun to see Clara and Grandma and Grandpa this week as well! I love you all so much and am so grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary it is the biggest blessing. I love the gospel and I love my Savior Jesus Christ.
The church is true.
Sister Marsh
Monday, September 1, 2014
Well p-day was fun this week! We went to the store really quick and as we were checking out I got a call from a sister saying that Elder Elliott from the Liberia mission was wanting to meet me...we sped home as quickly as we could. Elder Elliott was the missionary who taught Jamah. I had talked to him mulptiple times on the phone and when the ebola virus started spreading, all the missionaries left, so he got reassigned to SLC. So crazy! Then we went to a senior couples house in our mission for the rest of the night. We had a BBQ and just hung out. So so fun!!
Woah. Thursday was crazy. It started off just on a perfect note...waking up LATE! I was talking to Sister Hansen last night as we laid in bed and said wouldn’t it just be the worst if the alarm didn’t go off and we woke up late? Well I woke up this morning at 4:45 and was thinking yayyy I have until 6:15 to wake up (we have what we call early schedule so I wake up at 6:15 not 6:30) well I went back to bed and then Sister Hansen in a panic wakes me up from above me (we sleep in bunk beds) and says, “Sister Marsh its 6:25” NO WAY! So that was the start of the day. Then the whole morning we were SO tired. I felt a little useless all morning to be honest. We finished the tour report and so I felt a little productive, but then I just felt like not doing anything. Me and Sister Hansen were throwing a little pity party for us because we just felt a little off. I kind of grudgingly went to TC. We found the nicest lady on chat. Her name is Nelly and she was so so sweet. She gave me her number so after I ended the chat I called her and she was the nicest! She is a little Spanish lady from Paraguay. She is really really interested in the church and has just barely started meeting with the missionaries. We connected really quickly and she wanted me to help her prepare to be baptized. I told her of course and that I would do everything in my power to help her. Then we finally got to have Square time meaning contacting people outside and taking tours. We have had so much office stuff to do that we haven’t had any in like 3 weeks. Well it was about 2:00 and we were walking by the Temple Model and Sister Galgiani tells us we should play a joke on her investigator and stalk him. So we started following him around by the Temple Model. He was taking a video of what he was looking at and he saw us in the reflection of the glass and was like oh sorry, and he gets out of our way and then we just kept following him! J hahah he was here to have a lesson with the sisters. Well Sister Galgiani’s companion was talking to this girl on the couches by EF desk so the guy was just standing there and he says, “DANG they are good at stalking me” hahhah but anyway Sister Paulino long story short asked if we would talk to this girl because she needed a lot of help. So we sit down and start talking to her. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. We asked her why she came to Temple Square and she said, “I want to be closer to my Heavenly Father.” We thought wow that is really good, we are so happy you chose to come here it is a great place to do that and to feel the Spirit. Well then she says, “Do you think you can have the Holy Ghost if you deny Christ?” Then we were like hmmm wonder where this is headed. So I told her you know we can have the light of Christ with us, but having the Holy Ghost is a gift, and a gift that we have to live worthy of.” She says, “That is true.” She is super interesting because she is like twitching and super spacey and I can tell the whole time she is high on meth. She smelt like meth so bad and it just made me so sad. I felt like an interrogator but that is what I was being led to do...ask her a lot of questions so I know what I can do and what is actually wrong with her because I knew she was having some serious problems. Well she opened up because so many of my questions. She gave all her answers in 1 sentence or less and she said that she keeps breaking the law of chastity. Well we talked to her for a while about that and I asked her what things she could change so that she could keep that commandment. She is obviously really less active. She said that she could leave her boyfriend and it would help her. I encouraged her that if her boyfriend is not helping her be a better version of herself than she should not be with him. She then said, “I also smoke meth.” I was not surprised at all. But she was being so sketchy and so I asked her how many times she smokes and if she is addicted and she said yes. She then went on to say that she has evil thoughts to deny Christ. That was her big thing “denying Christ” so she says that she smokes to get her evil thoughts away, and has even tried to kill herself. I immediately had the impression that she is abused by her boyfriend. So I tried to look at her wrists or anything that I could to see if she was physical abused and her wrists were scarred up. I just wanted to cry. I was looking at a daughter of God who is abused and controlled in such a manipulating way that she has no idea who she is anymore. I was so sad. The Spirit was so strong, I had to be bold and I knew that she needed it that way. I said, “ You are a daughter of God. Heavenly Father loves you so much. He wants you to follow Him and follow His Son Jesus Christ. He is really really sad when you disobey him and smoke and break the law of chastity. He doesn’t want you to do that. He wants you to follow his commandments so that you can become closer to Him. But the things you are doing are doing the exact opposite. Smoking and breaking the law of chastity is taking you farther and farther away from Him.” The Spirit was so powerful she felt it and I was pierced hard at that moment. After about an hour, we tried to get her number and she wouldn’t give it to us. She only wanted to take ours. I understand now why but not at the time. She has a sketchy life and doesn’t want to be found or caught. Well she left and we stood up and we looked at each other and were like that was intense and scary. We looked out the sliding doors and she was using some guy’s phone. At first we were like SHOOT no way she is in on drug deals and sketchy things and this guy is with her, but then we got the impression that this guy had NO idea who she was. So I was like, “Ashey do you need to use a phone or anything?” She said she did so we left the poor guy alone and we walked inside the South Visitor’s Center. I called security to come because she was on crack! She was crazy seriously I was feeling a little uneasy to tell you the truth and I have seen a lot of weird things here, and then security comes. My favorite Italian security Giovanni comes J He says can I help you? She was like, “What did I do? I should go. Then Giovanni’s like oh shoot “no no you didn’t do anything wrong we just want to help you. Do you need a phone to call someone?” So she calls her boyfriend and it is so just wrong. So creepy and she gets it all settled and so he is on her way to pick her up. Well then she just starts crying and says, “I hate the person I am.” I said, “Ashley remember the talk we had with you. Heavenly Father loves you so much. This gospel is for you to be the person you want to be. You can change and be whoever you want.” So as we are waiting security gets her first and last name and asks for her ID. She says, “I don’t have one.” Then they ask for her DOB and she says, “5,20,1990” I then felt prompted to ask if her boyfriend was the one picking her up, she said yes and I asked her how old he was. “20 years older than me.” So 45ish? “Yes he is old enough to be my dad but it is ok.” I was like okayyy this is just NOT RIGHT! She then walked out and walked the opposite way of where he was picking her up and so we were like um wrong way! Then we followed and stalked her the whole way until her sketchy 45 year old boyfriend comes flying down the road and she runs across the street and jumps in the car.....and there went Ashely Herrick! Everything made sense after. We came to the conclusion that her boyfriend threatens her, abuses her, makes her do things she shouldn’t and makes her do drugs. He manipulates and controls her in every way of her life and she is trapped and stuck. I left so sad and feeling TERRIBLE for her wanting to do anything to help her. Heavenly Father wanted to slap me across and face and show me that when I am throwing a pity party that there are people in this world that have it a WHOLE LOT worse than I do. That some people are not blessed with the testimony that I have of the gospel. I cannot complain. Heavenly Father has blessed me so much with a good family, with a testimony of the gospel, with strength to overcome trials that come my way and to have been raised in a good environment with good people and friends. My life is dream compared to hers. My life is nothing compared to hers, it is SO easy. I have nothing to complain about. I am a missionary. I have the opportunity to share the gospel with everyone around me and share the best news in the world. The gospel can transform people and bring true happiness to their lives. It is a wonderful thing!
Well this morning at around 3 AM we text the Branch President in Liberia to skype Jamah’s baptism...well he text back and it says, “So sorry we are unable to skype because the internet is down. We will email you pictures.” I just wanted to cry so bad. It broke my heart. I was going to watch Jamah be baptized and also meet 2 of my other investigators on skype, but not anymore. We got to the square really early to open all the doors and buildings, and while we waited a couple minutes we called Jamah. He could not say anything except, “Thank you so much, thank you so much. I am so happy so soooo happy!” It made me cry, he is so happy and so appreciative of all that we did to help him and all the members did to show love and support to him. So so cute! I will go to Liberia so I can meet him and my other investigators, there is no option, I have to go. I love them sooooo much and it kills me I cannot see them in person every time I talk to them.
Also the most unfortunate thing happened to Sister Hansen this morning. I about died! So when we were opening the square we were opening the South Visitors Center and there are 2 doors next to each other, well one of the doors is automatic at 9 AM but the other one we unlock, so I used my access card to open the automatic door so I could go unlock the other one and Sister Hansen didn’t walk in the door fast enough so it started to close on her (they are sliding doors that have a realllly strong magnet on them) well it started to shut so she stuck her arm in it and it just kept closing. It was not opening at all and it was getting tighter and tighter and was smooshing her. She was screaming OUCH OUCH help me help me! It was so sad I opened the door for her and her arm was sooo red and her eyes were all watering because it hurt her so bad! So unfortunate that I didn’t know what else to do but laugh!
Sunday was also the best day of my mission! I was soooo stressed about my going away talk this week. It is a tradition in the mission that the sisters going home soon are the sisters who speak on Sundays so I spoke yesterday. I was so nervous and had not really had time to plan or prepare for it. The AP's and me and Sister Magidson spoke. I am super close with the AP's because of office and staff meetings, and us 4 were MTC companions so it was a special time for all of us. Sister Briggs and I sang the musical number. The Spirit was SO strong...it was emotional we were trying so hard to keep it together so we could finish the song. Then I spoke right after. It was good...so everyone said, but I feel so relieved to be done. Then we had staff meeting which is always good. The First Presidency has asked all the missions in Utah to double our baptisms so we were talking about how we could increase the number of baptisms. President has a saying he ALWAYS says, "If we do what we have always done, we will get what we have always got." So we brainstormed a lot about what things we could change to bring different results! Then we went the Swahili Ward in SLC. President gave us permission and I literally walked in and was in heaven. I cried right away. The whole ward is Africans and I cannot express how much I love African people. Their ward is 2 hours long and one of the members in their ward that I have gotten to know really well had his farewell yesterday so they had a HUGE feast after church that fed the WHOLE ward and it was delicious. I about died though playing with all the little African children...they melt my heart they are sooo cute!!! We met a new investigator that is coming for a lesson on Tuesday!! Also the elders in that ward are amazing. We have gotten to know them so well because they teach so many of our investigators and they teach with us at Temple Square. Well we left the ward and we came back to have a lesson with Benson. If you remember Benson he was the guy from Kenya who was supposed to be baptized but didn't know he couldn't have a girl roommate....well he has completely IGNORED the elders for like 2 months and has not entirely ignored our texts or calls but he wouldn't come to Temple Square anymore. Well I invited him to my talk but he said it was too early for him but he promised he would come at 5...so without him knowing we invited the elders to come and show up! It was awesome!! We talked to Benson for 30 minutes before the elders came and it was so spiritual...Benson felt the spirit so strong and was pretty speechless. Then the elders came. We addressed all his concerns and we talked to him about being baptized. He loves the church and knows it is true. His testimony is so strong. Well I was happy to find out that my consistent texts about praying for him and sharing scriptures with him paid off. He said, "Ignoring the elders was pretty easy, but I just couldn't continue ignoring you after all the effort you put in" YES it worked! So anyway he is now investigating again and is coming Wednesday. He said he would never ignore us or the elders again and that he would prepare himself again to be baptized!! What a wonderful day!! I am so so happy. This was honestly the best week of my mission! I love this work. It brings me so much joy. Serving others in any way that I can is the thing that I love most. I love you all.
The church is true.
Me and Potato-seriously that was his name, cutest thing ever |
Me with Peter ( going to Oakland on his mission) and his siblings |
Me and the African sisters :) |
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