Monday, January 27, 2014


Well hello there family!!!

     Sadly this week has been a little bit slower than normal!  I told you all about our crazy adventures on Monday.  So we weren't able to do anything Monday...well then Tuesday we had to get a ride to Mt. Vernon to go pick up our car.  As we slowly drove (in the snow and ice...and on our little donut of a tire) we finally got to the car shop.  We waited as the people put the new tire on the car.  It took us all day to do that and we were so tired we fell asleep in the tire shop.  It scared us so bad because the workers honked the horn soo bad to wake us up because they were done and we were sleeping :)  
    So our ward is the Cedar Rapids 1st ward.  We share the ward with the elders in our district.  We have been putting so much time and thought and lots of meetings throughout the week with them and the ward mission team.  We have come up with a plan as to how we would like the members in the ward to get involved and help us with the work.  It has been a real struggle being united with the members in the ward....but I truly feel like this is one of the things I was called here to do is to maybe not necessarily baptize or teach A TON in Iowa but to bring unity between the missionaries and the members.  I have the strongest testimony that the members in the ward help us the most. Without the help of the members the work that I was called to do can not hasten as fast as it needs to!  So I guess that is my invitation to you as well is to do everything you can to help the missionaries that are in the ward.  Try your best to give them names and referrals they can try.  The names members give are always stronger because they have a connection with the member.  I will probably tell you more about what we are going to present to the ward next week.  We just presented it to ward council but we are so excited to put it into action.  
     This week has been freezing!  We have had our cars grounded 2 times this week (plus the day we had to get the new tire) meaning we could still walk and go places and one day where we were grounded and had to stay in the apartment because it was way too cold! But today as we speak apparently is supposed to be one of the coldest days. They cancelled school yesterday for today and with windchill it is supposed to be supposedly -45 at the lowest....that just makes me want to cry!  It is still cold regardless, but the wind is what kills me....i honestly can't talk or breathe when it comes in my face!! 
     Friday and Saturday we went on exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders.  I went into the other area with one of the sisters and we went to the pinewood derby!  I think, as far as I know, it was the first one I have gone to!  It was awesome and was a more relaxing way of talking and visiting with members as well as investigators that were there!  We had a little slumber party, and I stayed at their home...we just switched spots.  It was good.  Exchanges are funny.  Because I never want to actually do them because I miss my companion and feel comfortable with how she teaches and everything like that but I also always learn so much from them.  It was fun to learn from Sister Cannon and get ideas of how to improve. 
     I love being a missionary.  Missionary work has truly brought me the most happiness that I have had in my life.  I love people.  I know I didn't talk much at home but the mission has really changed that (mom will be proud of me) I love talking with people and all I want to do is talk with others.  I am so grateful for the opportunity that I had to come on a mission.  My mission already means everything to me.  My mission has changed me for the better and the things I have learned out here so far are so special to me.  I love this gospel.  I love sharing the gospel.  I know it is true and I know it is God's work.

Love you all
Sister Marsh

The church is true.

Sister Melinda Marsh
3455 Crown Ave.
Marion, IA 52302

Monday, January 20, 2014


Hello all, 
Well, Mindy arrived in Iowa last Wednesday and within a day I was notified that she was freezing and needed a much warmer coat......yikes!!

(And to think she thought Salt Lake City was cold:)
Anyway, she is happy despite the weather, and loving her new mission call.  Oh, and her mission president’s wife, Sister Jensen is Grandpa Marsh’s first cousin!  Pretty cool to have another “connection” with her President and once again it’s through Grampa Marsh:)
And if any of you have a few spare minutes; her address is at the bottom of her letter.
I know she appreciates all your love and support,

Hello Family!
     Where do I even begin; this week has been INSANE!!!  First off, Tuesday night was crazy.........we were all packing and moving our stuff everywhere, saying good bye to the sisters going outbound, saying good bye to the sisters leaving to go home, and we of course, were up all night.  Then I had to wake up at 4:30 to get ready and to be out of the apartments by 6:00 am!  When I woke up it was snowing and I thought  I might get stuck in Minneapolis, or not make it all the way to Des Moines; but it was good and I made it safely.  We sat around for a little bit when we got to Des Moines and then the AP's came and took us to see President.  The first thing we did was go to the mission office really quick to send something, then the AP's said, “So, we are going to meet President in Iowa City”.  I was thinking that it was like 15 minutes away.......but they are like, “So, it will take 2 1/2 hours to get there! I was like “WHAT?” That is the most driving I have done my WHOLE mission!  So, after we finally arrived in Iowa City we went to dinner with President and his wife and he told us what area we would be going to.  Then our companions came and picked us up.  Sister Hancock went to Quincy, another 2 hours away, and I am in Cedar Rapids, about an hour away.  So, lets just say we drove a LOT!
     Well,  so, we live in a family's home.  The couple has 4 kids and the youngest is on his mission so we live in their home.  They are the Gutierrez family and they are AWESOME!  Brother G is the ward mission leader so we work with him a lot and it’s very convenient that we live in his home. 
    So, I got all settled in that night and tried to organize all my stuff the best I could and then went straight to bed.

    Thursday we had Zone Training Meeting and I got to meet my whole zone.  Everyone is super nice and fun to be with.  My district is made up of 2 elders, 4 sisters and 1 senior couple.  After the 3 hours of training the whole zone went to Olive Garden and yummy!
    Friday was interesting.  We had a couple appointments for that night, but that day we had “freezing” are thinking, “OK, that means snow”.......WRONG!  So, apparently the rain in the atmosphere is warmer than on the ground, and sometimes  it will rain and the second that it hits the ground it turns into a sheet of ice!  So we were grounded from our cars.  It is like black ice istantly-----it is crazy!  But it was also a bummer because we had to cancel those appointments.
     Sunday was fun!  Church for 3 hours was so long.  I haven't had 3 hours of church since I left for my mission, and that was really weird but I love being in a home ward.
     Anyway, that is pretty much what happened this whole week.  And my companion is awesome!! She has been out for 4 1/2 months and is from Spanish Fork.  She is 22 and she is so fun; I love her! I got lucky once again.
    Well, I am sure I will have much more to talk about next week;  Iowa is good even though it’s so different; but I am liking it a lot....except the fact that it is sooo dang cold here.  Thank goodness we have a car!!

Love you all!  Thank you for everything!

My new address is :
3455 Crown Ave
Marion, IA 52302

The church is true.
Sister Mindy Marsh


   I am so happy I had one more pday to talk to everyone before I left!  This week has been a lot of ups and downs!  A lot has happened this week and I don't want to forget anything so I am going to go day by day! 
   Tuesday-New Years Eve!  We were to come back to the members home we had our Christmas Dinner with the Saturday before Christmas, but because we are not allowed to spend time with members in their home we had to ask President.  He said we were allowed to go!  So we went up to their house all day for pday and we went sledding and it was the best!  4 of the 6 people that came had never seen snow before so it was so much fun to see them sled down the hills!  Then that night we had a mission party.  We had food, movies, and sparkling cider, and a countdown until 10:00....hahah we don't stay out till 12!  Then President announced who was going outbound and he announced my name!! 
   Thursday-President was very nice and wanted us to visit the Carl Bloch art exhibit at BYU.  So Thursday morning really early we caught the Trax and then the Front Runner to Provo.  The MTC buses were supposed to take us to BYU but they came an hour late so we waited outside in the freezing cold until the buses came I thought my toes were gonna fall off!  The exhibit was awesome and very spiritual.  We got to walk around campus as well which was kind of weird knowing that I was just there in April but it was really fun!  
   Friday-We went to dinner with Bruce!  I honestly think it was a tender mercy to have seen him that night because he was able to tell me mom was trying to get a hold of me.  If it wasn't for that I don't think I would have been able to get a hold of President to let me talk to her.  The news broke my heart about Matt.  We scheduled a time to meet up the next day so we could talk about everything that had happened.  That night I came home and cried to my Heavenly Father.  I prayed so hard that night about the Plan of Salvation and the plan that God has for each and every one of His children.  I know that God has a plan for all of us.  I know that of course it is not an easy thing for anyone and it hasn't been for me either, but I know that Matt was needed back.  I truly know that he is helping the family and is helping his Heavenly Father out on the other side.  I have felt his hand and his love in the missionary work that I am doing.  I know that he is where he needs to be and that he is watching over all of us.  
   Saturday-I went out to the temple grounds and saw Brad and Emily and all of Em's family and cousins.  They were there for Zac's wedding and it was so fun to see them and to see Shaun back from his mission.  Then the best part of the day was seeing mom!  I love you so much Mom and I was so glad I was able to see you especially this week and right before I was going to leave to go outbound.  I am so grateful for you and for all the things you do for me.  I appreciate you so much and am so grateful you are my mom!  
   Monday-Transfer conference!  Des Moines IOWA!  What the heck!  I am so nervous but I am so excited!  A sister in my district is going with me to the same place and she is also from Arizona!  I am so glad I will have a buddy going with me.  I am scared and feel so new like I am coming straight from the MTC but I am excited for what it has in store for me.  That night we got together as a whole mission and had a concert.  Peter Breinholt and David Polk performed for us.  It was amazing!  Peter is a guitarist and singer and David accompanies him on the piano.  It was wonderful!  Then there were some special guests that were from New Zealand along with the New Zealand sisters who did the haka (spelling might be wrong).  Then as a whole mission we got up and sang Aloha 'oe as we covered the Gilletes with leis.  It was a very sad night as you can imagine.  It was our last hooray with them and we were all crying but it was a really nice program.
    And now I am finished packing and am all checked out from the Temple Square mission and am just waiting to leave tomorrow.  I am nervous but very excited.  I hope I don't become "the next statue on Temple Square" as dad would say.  But I know that this is where I need to go right now and I am excited to see why! I love you all so much.  I love you Wessel family.  You have been in my heart and prayers.  I love you all.  I love this gospel and I love this work.  I will talk to you Monday and maybe you will get word that I arrived safely! 

The church is true. 

Sister Mindy Marsh 


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
   Wow I can't believe how fast everything is flying by.  Christmas just came and went and then today is New Year's and its all just going way too fast.  Sometimes I wish I could slow it all down.  First off, Happy Birthday Clara!  The big 18 yipee!  I love you Clara and I can't believe you are already 18 and you're going to graduate and go to college soon....freaks me out!  
    So Christmas ended up very very nice.  I will admit that my favorite part was talking to you guys but it was still a good night!  We met in our pajamas (me and Sister Cardus got matching pajamas that I will send pictures of) and we watched Christmas for a Dollar.  It was really good and relaxing and while we watched it we were eating honey baked ham!  My favorite as you all know!  Then Sister Gillette got up to read 'Twas the Night Before the way I still have it memorized from Mrs. Hubbard...but in the middle of it she started messing up and she was like "Hold up, let me start all over;" so when she started over it was all changed to Temple Square themed and as she talked about Santa, Elder Creer, a senior couple who left our mission a couple months ago, came in dressed as Santa!  He was awesome!  He had every single sister come up and get presents from him.  We got these bags that have the temple on them that we have all been trying to figure out how we could get one, and there was a stocking inside and TONS of stuff inside! I will send pictures today of what was inside!  We were all shocked though when we saw giftcards to Walmart and then each of us having a 50$ bill inside....that is 10,000$ alone plus everything else that we got which I know was not cheap...We are so spoiled it is unreal!  Then we had pie for dessert as we watched Happy Feet!  Oh man I was dead tired the next day but it was such a fun celebration!  
    On a more spiritual end...Sheldon got baptized on Sunday!!!!! Sheldon has been one of my favorite people to teach my whole mission.  I met him on chat and he has been so prepared from day one. He has been so fired up and so excited to learn and be a part of the church since the day I talked to him on chat! Even though I have never met him in person I really feel like I have had to try so hard to get to know him and understand him spiritually, it has been a wonderful experience as I have got to know him.  I love him and I hope that I will be able to meet him in person some day.  
    Transfers are this next week!  Luckily I will get pday on Tuesday and then I am almost 99.9% sure I am going outbound and so my pdays will change to Monday and I will be able to email you 6 days later YAY! Also I will be able to call you for 5 minutes to tell you where I am going outbound... I find out tonight IF I am going outbound...not where but IF I will go.  So this little information should be legit unless I found out tonight that I am not going!  ha we will see!  
    Last thing I promise.  So last night we went to a little ice cream place during our dinner time and Elder and Sister Oaks were there!  Woah!  So cool.  We talked to them for about 10 minutes and it was so awesome. I love the 12 apostles so much.  I decided that a new goal for my mission is to meet all 12 apostles and the First Presidency!  Sounds like a lofty goal but I think in my mission it is quite reachable!  :)  
     Well I think that is it for this week!  We are having a party tonight at 9 but not sure what that will entail!  I love you all.  Thanks for everything and for all the support and love you give to me!  Have a wonderful week!  and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!   Cheers to 2014!

The church is true.
Sister Marsh


   Hello!  How is everyone doing?  Well this week has been very powerful and very good!  Wednesday Elder Don Clarke (70) came and did a mission tour with us and it was from 8 in the morning till 4!  You would think that you would get tired from hearing from the same person for that many hours, but he was INCREDIBLE.  He has completely changed my view as a missionary and has changed my approach to how I want to do missionary work.  There is way too many notes and quotes that I want to tell you so I will just attach the document to the email!  He was so powerful and I loved everything he talked about, I literally wrote 15 pages on notes!  I will share something that I loved though, he said " God lets US do His works so we become more like Him, he doesn't need us but he lets us."  What a GREAT opportunity it is to be a missionary.  He chastised us a lot as well and he told us, "How can you be a Preach My Gospel missionary if you are not reading it every day?" You can all guess what we have been doing every day without fail!  :)  He also had everyone in the mission stand up who had ever been inactive in the church... I was shocked how many stood up! But he told us we WILL all go inactive if we don't make the Book of Mormon the most important book in our life. He gave us so many tips and things to do after our missions with education and marriage and everything and it was awesome!  The attachment is the notes that got sent to the whole mission so not necessarily mine but you will enjoy them I think! 
   Also this Thursday we went to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Concert.  Holy cow!  I did NOT think that this was that intense but it was unreal.  For 4 nights in a row all 21,000 seats in the Conference Center were filled!  Deborah Voigt the opera singer performed...not always a huge fan of opera but wow she was incredible and really cool John Davies who plays Gimli in Lord of the Rings was a guest too!  He told the Christmas Carol story and recounted Luke 2 and it was just something like I have never seen before.  So awesome!!
   The last thing I wanted to tell you about is my investigator Sheldon.  He is from Canada he is 44 and he is single.  I met him on chat and he was very sincere and wanted to learn more, he gave me his number and email and I started teaching him over the phone.  I have been calling him a lot and he is amazing.  He went to church last Sunday and he called me and said,"Mindy how long do I have to wait to be baptized?"  I was like holy cow this guy is the best!  So anyway he is amazing and it has been amazing to see the Lord and the Spirit be able to work through me.  I am going to also attach and email I got from Sheldon this week.  It is people like this that you love so much because you see how much the gospel is changing and helping them be better.  The gospel has changed his life and I love having the chance to be a part of that change in people's lives.  
   I will talk to you in one week!  WOW I can't believe it I am so excited!  I love you all.  i love you Mom and Dad and appreciate all the love and support you show and give to me on my mission.  Thank you for everything!  

Merry Christmas!  

The church is true.  

Sister Mindy Marsh