Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Hello Family!!! 
     WEDNESDAY- The Humanitarian Center is getting really busy now that everyone is out of school.  We took back to back tours all day with big youth groups.  We also had an amazing lesson with Jamah; he is so awesome. We taught him the gospel, so that includes faith, repentance, baptism etc. Well, when we got to baptism I said, "So the next thing we want to talk to you about is baptism."  He says, "Oh YES the thing that I want to do!" WOW! So awesome! I am excited that the missionaries in his area as well as Bobby's area got transferred, because the new missionaries are a little more proactive.  I am very anxious because I think they will get baptized sooner than next month, like the other elders wanted to do.  
     THURSDAY- Exactly one year ago from today I left the MTC to go to Temple Square!  Also, I thought of you Krissy......all day! I was praying for you a lot, and I hope that everything went well with the surgery and that you are feeling better.  I love you.  Then Tonight we went to dinner with Bruce and Becky Boucher and it was so fun! They wanted to see me and my companion before they left to Puerto Rico so we met them for dinner........President said yes, but only if he could meet them, (because they would be at the same Mission President Seminar in 2 weeks) so afterwards we all chatted with President for a couple minutes.
     FRIDAY- The Humanitarian Center was CRAZY today!  We took 6 tours; which means there wasn’t a single hour that we didn't have a tour.  A lot of it was a HUGE stake of youth that was 4 tours of 40 people each.  But when we were almost finished with the last tour, Kathy, the receptionist said, “Sister Marsh are you almost done, their are some visitors here for you”.   I was very curious who it was; well, it was a family from my out-bound ward in Iowa! The Schaerr Family.  It was so fun, and their son, (who is 18) was a ward missionary so we knew him pretty well, and he just got his mission call to Ogden! And Brother Schaerr’s is in the Stake Presidency, so it was really fun to see them!  Also SHOUT OUT to SISTER NYE!  Happy Birthday to my favorite companion!!  Welcome to the 21 club!!!! 
     SATURDAY- Today is baby Sister Cardus's birthday!  Also, it was a great day and Benson came to the Square.  He is doing well, but something got in the way of his baptism, which is frustrating but he should be baptized next transfer. He is strong and still so rock solid!  We hadn’t seen him in person for a while, so it was good to see him. And we keep meeting Africans this week, so I am setting them all up to be friends with each other and to go to church together! It is the funnest thing to watch and see!  And Sister Cano had a Spanish meeting today, so I was on exchanges and did MTC contacting.  The missionaries who are going to Visitor Centers come to Temple Square on Saturdays and go on splits with us for a couple hours.  I haven't done it in forever so I was really excited.  I got paired with a sister who is from SLC, and she is going to the MESA Visitors Center!!!  Her name is Sister Lund, and she is so so cute and fun! We got a long really wellI hope I helped her a little and taught her something, because we kept laughing and just having so much fun.  I told her you guys would look out for her!  Hermana Lund!  So next time you go to the temple look for her and tell her I said hi!! 
     SUNDAY- HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Dad, I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day! I remember my first Sunday on my mission in Temple Square was Father's Day and now it is already here again.  I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate you.  I appreciate all the sacrifice and all the support you give to me here on my mission as well as other times.  I look up to you so much Dad, and am so grateful for the strong testimony you have in the Gospel. Your testimony has helped me in so many ways and has continued to bless me and strengthen me on my mission.  I am grateful for all the advice and thoughts you share with me every week through e-mail.  I love you Dad!  
Well, I was starting to get a little frustrated because all of my African investigators were supposed to be baptized, but the missionaries weren't visiting them weekly or setting up baptismal interviews.  I have been fasting and praying so much for all of them and for the missionaries in their local areas.  Well, I talked to the sister missionaries in Liberia yesterday who are teaching all my investigators, and long story short, there is a new sister in the area and she is jumping on all of them; so they finally have interviews on the 29th and their baptisms are on July 5th........YIPEE!!!  I was starting to really worry, but things are working out really well and falling into place. 
     I hope that everyone has a wonderful week!  Krissy please get better quickly and make sure you don't grow to be taller than me!!  I love you all! 

The church is true!!

Sister Mindy Marsh 

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