Tuesday, June 24, 2014


     Hello!!!  This week has been INSANE!!!!!!!!!!  A million of things have happened and a million of things have changed in the mission! 
     Tuesday- It was a good p-day today! I took a youth group around that night even though it was pday. Elder Carlson, my district leader from Iowa, his mom is the Young Women's President so she brought the young women and young men from her ward for an activity.  It was really fun to meet Elder Carlson's parents and little brother!  So it has been really cool.  President is SO SO good!  I love him so much. He is wanting so much to help all the international sisters with their English because lots of their companions don't know the rules and reasons why to say certain things certain ways, including me, so this entire summer there is 4 MTC teachers that are teaching English for beginners, intermediate, and advanced English speakers.  So 5 days a week they spend 2 hours with the teachers and I am sooo excited!  It is so helpful not only for them but for me too because I don't remember all the technical rules on speaking English! So this week we have had lots of exchanges everyday!
     Wednesday- Our investigators are doing awesome!!!  We finished teaching Bobby EVERYTHING that he needs to know for his baptismal interview.  He scared me really bad though, he answered and said, "Sister Marsh? I am really mad...I am sooo mad."  I said why??!!? Then he goes, "Because you guys haven't called me in 4 days." I was like I am so sorry we have been very busy lately and then he goes.... I AM JUST KIDDING!!!  So now my investigators are all playing jokes on me!  But Bobby is doing so well.  His faith in Jesus Christ is so solid right now and he is doing everything he can to follow Christ.  He told me that he realizes how much Satan is trying to bring him down the other way and how he is trying to stay strong and rely on God so that he can overcome all the temptations he has.  He is so great!  Also his friend he referred Jamah is doing so well!  We taught him the Plan of Salvation and the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity.  He had lots of questions...good ones though...and we helped him understand but also gave him lots of scriptures to read in the Book of Mormon that would help him understand the things we taught him!  
     Thursday- Relief Society this morning....OUTBOUND!  So Sister Cardus is leaving...my little baby!  I can't believe she is leaving, that means I am really old on the mission now!  But anyway she is going to Houston Texas outbound!  Also Sister Briggs my MTC companion is now the new AP!!! I am excited for her.  She is going to be soo awesome!  Jamah is doing wonderful!  We talked to him today and he read the scriptures we gave to him and he told us, "Well everything you taught was in line with what I read!"  I said, "Well thats good I am glad we didn't lie to you :) ." It is awesome though, because now he has a testimony of the Book of Mormon and he is learning by faith and finding answers for himself in the scriptures and not because we are telling him.  I love it.  He is progressing soooo much faster and with a much stronger testimony!  
     Saturday- Great DAY! We had a great lesson with our friend Eckar!  He had soooo many questions.  We asked him to read the introduction to the Book of Mormon and the Restoration pamphlet...well he had questions that were from every lesson...so we were jumping ALL over the place but it was great!  Then we called Jamah again...he asked us to call him so I had NO idea why or what we were going to teach because we had called him 2 days ago, but I told him hey we will call you Monday and see how church was and seeing the missionaries and he says...WAIT!!  I want to share a message with you!  Well I was a little bit nervous that it was going to be not in line with church doctrine or like off topic or something and he says, "My message today comes from Mosiah 3:19"  I was like AHH HECK YA!!!!  So he has me read it and he asked me questions and then bore his testimony and shared his thoughts on the scripture then he says now turn to Alma and he shared 2 more scriptures that were related to putting off the natural man and becoming more Christlike.  I was shocked!  It was very very insightful and spot on with everything in the church it made me sooo happy!!  I told him I would prepare a message for him next time and he said, "And I will too!!!" I love my investigators!!!  
     Monday- TRANSFER CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!  So this whole week the AP's who I am close with, the Office Assistants, and Temple Square Coordinators all knew the transfer board, so they all kept saying to me and trying to tease me being like, "I know your new companion and you are going to have so much fun" and everything like that and trying to make me mad because they knew and I didn't, well this morning we went to transfer conference and they told me my new companion is SISTER GEE!!!!!!!!!!  She is the one who I am going to room with at BYU after my mission!!  She is one of my closest friends in the whole mission!!  I think they have made a mistake but I am sooo excited I can't even handle it!!  We are also Temple Square Coordinators!!  I am sooo excited this transfer is going to be the best thing ever!!  So pretty much I am in charge of making sure everything on Temple Square is running smoothly...it is a lot of logistics and scheduling things so I will be really really busy but I am soooo happy to be with Sister Gee!!! :) It is awesome because I work really closely with the AP's( Sister Briggs) and have Staff meetings with the AP's, Mission Presidency, and the Office Assistants I am soo happy!!  Heavenly Father loves me ALOT!!! Pretty much to say I was excited would be an understatement! 
     I love you all and I can't believe I only have 3 transfers left....its getting too close!!  

Remember...the Church is true.

Sister Mindy Marsh

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