Thursday, June 20, 2013

First Day on Temple Square

     Hey so today has been busy already!  I went to bed at 12 because we were packing all night and then I woke up to say goodbye to the sisters in our district who were in our same was the most depressing thing in the whole world!  I felt like I was in a soap and Sister Briggs watched the elevator door close and we just cried and fell to the ground like a big drama and it was so sad...we cried a lot!!  Then we woke up at again so that we could get ready finish packing and get to the bus on time!! I was so tired but it was good! We dropped off missionaries at the airport that were going to San Antonio and then we headed to the apartments we live in!  Then we went straight to the square!  We did some orientation just like with debit cards and health insurance cards and our access cards for all the buildings and then had breakfast!  Then President and Sister Gillette came in and talked to us for a little bit and then we started to have interviews 6 at a time.  I was starting to get nervous but all the interview was was talking about our families and about us and what we liked to do!  Then while we waited for all the interviews to be done and we just talked with all the potential trainers I started to worry because I am going to be with my trainer for 3 months!!  We ate lunch with everyone and just hung out and talked until President came back in...then they had each of the new sisters come up and say their name and where they are from and what they want in a trainer and then they described my trainer and then announced her name!  My trainer is Sister Lotoa she is from American Samoa!!!  She is outbound and she comes home in like an hour so I haven't actually met her yet but I am so excited everyone was so happy when they announced it!!  We are going to Walmart at and so I will buy all my food and everything then and then I get to go home and just unpack and relax for the rest of the night!  P-days here start at 3:45 and then they are for the rest of the day, so every Wednesday I will have email time from 1-3!   2 hours!  I am so excited!!  I got a letter from Ron and Sherri who I taught in the MTC and they are taking the discussions so they can get baptized soon, and they went to an LDS church last week! It was so good to hear from them!  Also, I got another card from Dave and Suzie and they are way too nice! I love them!  Hahah so get this, my companion Sister Briggs is being trained by a sister from Taiwan so she has a Mandarin tour already today! She is like "well here comes some mad translating!!" I got a blessing from my Branch President last night and it was such a comfort and peaceful thing, it was sad to leave the MTC I really enjoyed it but I am excited to be here!!

     Last night Elder Arnold from the 70 spoke to us!  It was the first time in history that the missionaries met in the Marriott Center for a devotional because of how many missionaries there are now! So that was cool....we made history there were cameras EVERYWHERE!!  

     How was AZ mom?  Does Clara like it?   I love you Mom and Dad and my siblings!!! Thank you for all you do and for the sacrifice to give me the chance to be here!  I love this gospel and I am so happy to be here!  

     Something that stuck out to me at the devotional last night was that God, our Savior is an Almighty GOD, he can do anything, and though we will have difficulties on our missions and will think we can't do it, we can because we were created by a God.  We can do all things through him.  I know that that's true if we can just go to him he can help us do anything! I love you all!!!

Sister Marsh!

President and Sister Gillette 

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